Hi there! You've stumbled upon the portfolio of Mayen Escusa, User Experience Consultant at DB Systel. Please feel free to view a few of my selected works from previous companies and clients.
ThyssenKrupp Elevators - Urban Hub
Award-Winning Responsive Web Magazine
Triplesense Reply Beacon
Photography, Post-Processing
Vorwerk Thermomix International
Responsive E-Commerce Website, Online Campaigns
KAO Salon Portal
Responsive E-Commerce Portal
Vorwerk Kobold International
Responsive E-Commerce Website, Online Campaigns
Webmontag Presentation
Get Glocal: Eastern vs Western Web Design
Fresenius Medical Care
Responsive Website Adaptation for Japan
Senhoa Foundation
Brochures, Posters, Print and Web Catalogues
Hotel Portfolio and Brochures, Event Planning, Event Stand
Worldhotels One Conference
Logo, Branding, Presentation Graphics
E-Commerce Website, Magazine, Brand Graphics, Online and Print Campaigns