Versatile UX Consultant with 15+ years of Design Experience


I graduated from Eastern Washington University with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Multimedia Programming & Design in 2004. Since then, I've had the opportunity to work with the good folks at North by Northwest, Target Media Partners,, Vodafone, Worldhotels and Triplesense Reply. Currently, I work at DB Systel doing what I love. I do web/interaction design, UX research/concept/design, print design, brand/logo design and global communication design among other things.

The motto I live by: "Out of your comfort zone is where you grow."

Which brings me to the point "origins" and having left the comfort zone several times throughout my life. When asked where do I come from, I used to have a bit of trouble answering that. My passport says, "USA". I grew up in Japan. My parents and family are from the Philippines and now, I live in Germany. I'm proud to say that each culture has defined the person I am today and allows me to look at diverse themes with more than one cultural perspective.

Having this experience gave me motive to research, understand and present on multicultural UX/UI design, mainly the differences between West European and East-Asian web design. For more information on the topic, check out my PAGE interview, "Manche Designpraktiken würden im Westen als Beleidigung fürs Auge aufgefasst" in German.

Work aside, I'm an avid runner, martial artist and hobby cook.